Friday, 26 February 2010

Apres les examens

Finally! After finishing the presentation on Wednesday, my spring holiday officially began. The weather was absolutely lovely, and the temperature was at a gloriously beautiful 20 degrees celcius. We celebrated the end of the semester with dinner at a Korean restaurant and then drinking at The Hub (a British pub in Umeda).

I hadn't drunk any alcohol for a long time, and as I rarely have the chance to go to a pub, I indulged myself with (first with 2 Korean cocktails at the restaurant) a Cuba-libre (had the urge to drink this after watching Big Bang), 2 tequila shots and a single Jameson.

It was actually my first time doing straight tequila shots. I've had tequila before but only in a shooter with other liquors. I wanted to try so I suggested the idea. At first it was only Morgan, Ivan, Andrew and I who were up for it, then two minutes later everyone turned up at the bar ordering tequila shots, even Daan, who at first protested "NO! no shots!". At the end of the night he ended up being drunk on the Hankyu train and couldn't walk straight and fell onto the seats.

Today's weather wasn't so nice though. It's been raining all day long. A little bit depressing really. We decided to eat out tonight because it's the last night to have the six of us together until early April. Daan and Seb are going home, Morgan, Andrew, Reinout and I are going to all sorts of travelling. We went to Senri-chuo to have okonomiyaki. Normally at restaurants they cook the okonomiyaki and just leave it on the hotplate, whereas at this restaurant we could make our own! I ordered the oyster okonomiyaki, which really reminded me of the heavenly delicious oysters I had in Miyajima and Hiroshima in December.

On that note - I'm going back to Miyajima and Hiroshima on next week! Aaaah I want more oysters! Although I might need to refrain myself this time 'cause I've got plenty of things to do which will require a lot of money...

P.S. Something I wrote in a previous post caused a bit of speculation. I did mean what I wrote, it was heartfelt and I couldn't resist not writing it here because it's been on my mind for a while now. Yes there is a person, but I need to use the next three weeks to think about a zillion things related to this (and other unrelated but important things too). I don't regret writing about it here because I meant to write it here, but I would have hesitated much more had I known that the guys here would gossip over that one sentence!

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