Saturday 12 March 2011


That's really everyone and anyone could think about the past couple of days. I don't know anyone from the Tohoku region, but I think my parents have some friends from Sendai. I don't know how they're doing. My friends in Tokyo are well, which I'm very grateful for. Natural disasters on such a scale are always devastating, but as this has occurred in a country very dear to me and many of my friends and family, it's especially heart-breaking.

I was actually in Sendai this time last year. I was travelling alone and took the very long journey to Miyagi prefecture because I wanted to visit Matsushima Bay, one of the 日本三景. Not only was I impressed by the natural beauty of Matsushima, I also came to like Sendai the city very much. It's cold (weather-wise), but the people are very nice and stylish, and the streets are beautiful and full of greenery. Not to mention they're famous for sea urchin and oysters.

These photos would look very different now...

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