Friday, 2 October 2009


I'm blogging from the computer room at the Centre of Japanese Language and Culture in the Minoh campus of Osaka University.

After getting picked up from the airport yesterday morning, I met 2 French, 1 German and 1 Brazilian students who got picked up at the same time. It took about an hour and a half to drive from Kansai airport to Minoh.

After checking into the dormitory (I've been assigned to 箕面留学生会館1号館) and unpacked a little, I ventured to the local supermarket with the same group of students and bought some toileteries and food. The food sold in the supermarket is quite expensive, but today I discovered the beauty of the university refectory (食堂), where cheap meals are sold. Unfortunately they only serve lunch (possible dinner as well, have to check that out) so I still have to cook in the weekends. The pantry on my floor is quite tiny (thus not qualified to be called a kitchen - for its lack of oven and kettle), there isn't even a table to eat on. Last night I had to eat my instant noodles (I was too tired to cook after a really long day) in my room whilst watching House on my computer.

I also completed alien registration and application for the national health insurance. Navigating and finding my way in the city wasn't difficult at all, but I feel like I'm always by myself...a little bit of loneliness leaking in.

It's been raining all day and my trainers and socks are soaked. I'd like to type more here but I'm exhausted so I shall head back to my room and rest.

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