Monday, 19 October 2009

"True English" 「悪口雑言辞典」

After dinner at the shokudo I went to the university bookshop to get some stationery. In the languages and linguistics section of the shop, a book caught my eye - "True English"「悪口雑言辞典」. It's a Japanese book written by a Brit - to teach Japanese "true" English, i.e. slangs and swear words.

Sebastian and I were hugely amused by the book to the extent that we both bought a copy.

The first chapter begins with "fuck", and the following explanation in Japanese was:
Turning to page 78, there's an entire chapter named 「四文字言葉ーfuckという語」, teaching the Japanese how and when to use the F word, as a verb, emphasis, adverb or adjective.

The next chapter lists words that could all mean 馬鹿 in Japanese, here's a selection:
idiot, numpty, prick, nob, dickhead, twat
And the following phrases all mean "go away" (あっちへ行け!):
I don't mean to be rude but please leave me alone.
Sod off.
Piss off.
Fuck off.
Get out of my sight.
Get off my back.
Back off.
Fuck off or die.

This book is going to keep me amused for the rest of the year!

P.S. I love how in the alcohol/drinking chapter there's a photo of a Mancunian pub in front of the Manchester Wheel in Exchange Square.

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