While I'm complaining about how the biggest snowfall ever in Europe is happening when I'm not there, the chaos caused by such snowfall have been rather annoying too.
Last night I got a message from Mark, Yishi's friend whom I have never met but will meet this week, saying that his flight to Osaka via Amsterdam has been cancelled. He is now arriving on Thursday morning, 2 days later than originally planned. Then early this morning I got another message from Mark saying that Yishi's flight has been pushed back a day.
This afternoon I called Yishi on her mobile to see what's happening. She said her flight from London to Paris was severely delayed, which made her miss the connecting flight from Charles de Gaulle to Kansai International. So she (and her mother) had to spend the night at a hotel near the airport.
So tomorrow I'm going to meet them at the airport, and at the same time Daan will meet his girlfriend (who's travelling on the same Air France flight).
Oh and last night, while I was contemplating on the affect of snowfall on flight cancellation, Seb decided that he should check his flight (this was around 2200 at night)...and came to realise that his flight home (via Amsterdam) has been cancelled. He was like "okay then...well...hmm...", looking rather calm but then immediately called his father, who booked him a seat on Air France so he still managed to fly out of Osaka this morning.
But still...I kinda miss the snow back home. The one time there's proper snow in London and Manchester - I'm not there to see it. Whereas here in Osaka, we've had like 5 minutes of pathetic snowflakes drifting in the air.
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Monday, 21 December 2009
So here it is...Everybody's having fun
Tonight is the last night before the winter break starts tomorrow at midday.
Seb is going home tomorrow (and he's promised to bring some Tetley back!), Morgan (who turned 20 yesterday) left for home last Friday.
Daan's girlfriend is coming to visit and they'll be travelling around Kyoto, Nagoya and Tokyo.
And then there's me - Yishi, auntie Jessie and Yishi's friend Mark are coming to Japan for the first time! So I'll be taking them to various places in Kansai, then we'll go to Okayama and Hiroshima, before returning to Osaka for New Year's Eve.
Last Thursday we had our small Christmas/Morgan's 20th birthday/Seb & Morgan's going-away party in Dorm 2. We had Naomi's deliciously marinated chicken drumsticks, Swedish meatballs and mashed potatoes from IKEA, weird Japanese pizzas, garlic bread, snacks and a birthday cake :)

Andrew had a fake mistletoe sent from home, so he put it up outside the kitchen. Obviously that led to many kisses (on the cheeks). We also did Secret Santa between the eight of us. If I recall correctly, this is what people gave and received:
- I got Morgan a Willy Wonka truck, filled with chocolates and sweets
- Morgan got Mark a karaoke microphone!
- Mark got me a レミオロメン CD "Horizon", which contains our favourite karaoke song 「粉雪」
- Daan got Reinout a book by 村上春樹
- Reinout got Andrew a mini-golf putting game for the toilet! (One is supposed to put the golf ball whilst sitting on the toilet seat)
- Andrew got Naomi a pair of chopsticks
- Naomi got Seb a set of speakers for the shower (since Seb sings in the shower)
- Seb got Daan a plain t-shirt (one of our in-joke), and a framed collage of their "guy love" photos

I also made mulled wine, while Naomi, Amelie and Mariko attempted to build a gingerbread house. It was looking good...until (according to Naomi) Amelie dropped one of the main pieces onto the floor...we just ate the rest as gingerbread biscuits.
The night ended (unsurprisingly) at Shidax karaoke in Onohara. (I swear the staff are starting to recognise us as we walk into the foyer.)
We spent almost 6 hours there on Thursday night, and came back at 0500 on Friday morning after a stopover at McDonald's (as usual). And once again Daan and I fell asleep on the table at McDonald's.
The next day I still managed to get up at 1000 for a special reason. On Wednesday evening Seb's door got toilet-papered by Daan and Reinout (because Seb had posted pictures of Daan topless on his door), so the same night whilst skyping Seb the two of us came up with a cunning plan to get Seb's revenge.

There was one time when the guys went to the karaoke and Daan commented on a poster girl on one of the posters in the karaoke. So Seb and I, on Thursday afternoon (before the party), went to print out 20 copies of the poster girl's picture, and also copies of Daan's topless photo. (Daan was paranoid for the whole day but still had no idea of what we were about to do the next day.)
On Friday we knew Daan had classes in the morning while Seb and I don't, so we executed our cunning plan then -

Seb is going home tomorrow (and he's promised to bring some Tetley back!), Morgan (who turned 20 yesterday) left for home last Friday.
Daan's girlfriend is coming to visit and they'll be travelling around Kyoto, Nagoya and Tokyo.
And then there's me - Yishi, auntie Jessie and Yishi's friend Mark are coming to Japan for the first time! So I'll be taking them to various places in Kansai, then we'll go to Okayama and Hiroshima, before returning to Osaka for New Year's Eve.

Andrew had a fake mistletoe sent from home, so he put it up outside the kitchen. Obviously that led to many kisses (on the cheeks). We also did Secret Santa between the eight of us. If I recall correctly, this is what people gave and received:
- I got Morgan a Willy Wonka truck, filled with chocolates and sweets
- Morgan got Mark a karaoke microphone!
- Mark got me a レミオロメン CD "Horizon", which contains our favourite karaoke song 「粉雪」
- Daan got Reinout a book by 村上春樹
- Reinout got Andrew a mini-golf putting game for the toilet! (One is supposed to put the golf ball whilst sitting on the toilet seat)
- Andrew got Naomi a pair of chopsticks
- Naomi got Seb a set of speakers for the shower (since Seb sings in the shower)
- Seb got Daan a plain t-shirt (one of our in-joke), and a framed collage of their "guy love" photos

The night ended (unsurprisingly) at Shidax karaoke in Onohara. (I swear the staff are starting to recognise us as we walk into the foyer.)
We spent almost 6 hours there on Thursday night, and came back at 0500 on Friday morning after a stopover at McDonald's (as usual). And once again Daan and I fell asleep on the table at McDonald's.

There was one time when the guys went to the karaoke and Daan commented on a poster girl on one of the posters in the karaoke. So Seb and I, on Thursday afternoon (before the party), went to print out 20 copies of the poster girl's picture, and also copies of Daan's topless photo. (Daan was paranoid for the whole day but still had no idea of what we were about to do the next day.)
On Friday we knew Daan had classes in the morning while Seb and I don't, so we executed our cunning plan then -

Sunday, 20 December 2009
The thing with カラオケ

I seriously have no idea why we go to the karaoke so often.
Yesterday I skyped with my cousin Winnie, who's in Hong Kong, and she remarked on how all I do in Japan is karaoke, karaoke and more karaoke.
And finally, this morning I lost my voice.
I've got it back now but still not in good shape to sing again for a while.
Coughs and phlegm are nasty stuff :(

Let it snow
Remember this?

- Northwood, Greater London (January 2004)
Despite how freakin' cold it is, and how everyone says it would snow this weekend, nothing has happened so far. (Except for that teeny tiny little bit of snow on Thursday afternoon, which lasted for...5 minutes?)
And it looks like it's going to get a bit warmer this week (go to Japan Meteorological Agency for the weather forecast), so I doubt it'll snow at all...

Despite how freakin' cold it is, and how everyone says it would snow this weekend, nothing has happened so far. (Except for that teeny tiny little bit of snow on Thursday afternoon, which lasted for...5 minutes?)
And it looks like it's going to get a bit warmer this week (go to Japan Meteorological Agency for the weather forecast), so I doubt it'll snow at all...
Saturday, 19 December 2009
見学レポート: 京都国際マンガミュージアム
This is the report I wrote on the study trip to Kyoto International Manga Museum. It was a pain in the ass.
現代のマンガは開国ぐらいから始まった。二十世紀末から日本マンガの訳本が外国で読まれてきた。ところが、日本国内は1862年最初の外国語の雑誌「Japan Punch」が出版された。ちなみに、「パンチ」(および「ポンチ」)という言葉をはやらせ、大きい影響を与えた。戦争の時代にもマンガの人気が続いた。横山隆一の1936年出版されたマンガ「養子のフクちゃん」は30年代に最も人気を博した。前述のマンガの最終回は戦争に関する話である。主人公のフクちゃんの実父が戦後台湾に渡り、フクちゃんは実父の招待を拒む。なお、1940年、新日本漫画家協会の機関誌として創刊した「米英撃滅漫画」があぐれた。
1959年、講談社が出版された「週刊少年マガジン」初めての週刊子供マガジンとして創刊した。また、1970年代から竹宮恵子の「風と木の詩」と「花の24組」をはじめ、少女マンガは人気を博した。少年と少女マンガの人気は続き、21世紀日本マンガの外国語雑誌が続々創刊する。なお、2003年小学館と集英社がヴィズメディアを北米に設立、「週刊少年ジャンプ」はアメリカに英語版を投入した。ただし、店で売りよりも主として宅配である。また、「Shojo Beat」(「少女ビート」)というマンガ雑誌はフランスとアメリカで人気を得てきている。
日本のマンガを特に影響された国は東アジアの国である。京都国際マンガミュージアムで見学ツアーが終わったの後、ミュージアムの研究員 表 智之 氏は「日本マンガと国際文化交通の現状」というショートレクチャーをした。表氏のレクチャーによれば、1970年代から、東アジアでは広く日本マンガが読まれていた。マンガの人気になるにつれて、著作権保護をめぐる問題が起こっていた。一方、ある国は日本のマンガの輸入が許されていずに、海賊版が発生する。その一方、1990年代に入ると、著作権保護の国際条約への加盟などを背景に、韓国・台湾・香港などで正式許諾による翻訳出版が定着していく。
現代のマンガは開国ぐらいから始まった。二十世紀末から日本マンガの訳本が外国で読まれてきた。ところが、日本国内は1862年最初の外国語の雑誌「Japan Punch」が出版された。ちなみに、「パンチ」(および「ポンチ」)という言葉をはやらせ、大きい影響を与えた。戦争の時代にもマンガの人気が続いた。横山隆一の1936年出版されたマンガ「養子のフクちゃん」は30年代に最も人気を博した。前述のマンガの最終回は戦争に関する話である。主人公のフクちゃんの実父が戦後台湾に渡り、フクちゃんは実父の招待を拒む。なお、1940年、新日本漫画家協会の機関誌として創刊した「米英撃滅漫画」があぐれた。
1959年、講談社が出版された「週刊少年マガジン」初めての週刊子供マガジンとして創刊した。また、1970年代から竹宮恵子の「風と木の詩」と「花の24組」をはじめ、少女マンガは人気を博した。少年と少女マンガの人気は続き、21世紀日本マンガの外国語雑誌が続々創刊する。なお、2003年小学館と集英社がヴィズメディアを北米に設立、「週刊少年ジャンプ」はアメリカに英語版を投入した。ただし、店で売りよりも主として宅配である。また、「Shojo Beat」(「少女ビート」)というマンガ雑誌はフランスとアメリカで人気を得てきている。
日本のマンガを特に影響された国は東アジアの国である。京都国際マンガミュージアムで見学ツアーが終わったの後、ミュージアムの研究員 表 智之 氏は「日本マンガと国際文化交通の現状」というショートレクチャーをした。表氏のレクチャーによれば、1970年代から、東アジアでは広く日本マンガが読まれていた。マンガの人気になるにつれて、著作権保護をめぐる問題が起こっていた。一方、ある国は日本のマンガの輸入が許されていずに、海賊版が発生する。その一方、1990年代に入ると、著作権保護の国際条約への加盟などを背景に、韓国・台湾・香港などで正式許諾による翻訳出版が定着していく。
Friday, 18 December 2009
Pumpkin risotto with Gorgonzola
Tonight I made risotto for the first time in many months. I couldn't make it for the past two months 'cause I haven't been able to find arborio or any other kind of risotto rice here in Osaka.
Last month when my mother came to visit, she brought me a pack of Sainsbury's arborio risotto rice from home. A couple of weeks ago I found a recipe on Times Online - pumpkin risotto with Gorgonzola.
Pumpkins are sometimes used in Japanese cuisine as well so I had no problem finding it. The Gorgonzola (and parmesan) however, required special grocery shopping. The average neighbourhood supermarket here doesn't offer any proper cheese. All the "cheese" there is in the dairy aisle is processed cheese slices. The cheese I bought from Carrefour (in Minoh) was not cheap either. Considering Gorgonzola plays a pretty major role in this dish I didn't hesitate in buying it; the parmesan, however, cost 400yen for about 60g. So I decided to use only 30g of the piece and replaced the other half with Kraft grated parmesan.
Photos (top to bottom): risotto in the making; heat turned off, cheese and butter stirred in; garnished with parsley.

I don't really know how good or bad my cooking skills actually are, but I swear I had died and gone to heaven when I took my first spoonful of this pumpkin risotto. The sweetness of the pumpkin and the distinct flavour of the blue cheese combined together was utter bliss :)
Now that I've been fed amidst this foodie euphoria, all that I can think of is a nice, long hot shower, and my bed. (I slept at 0500 this morning after a Christmas party and 6 hours of karaoke, then woke up at 1000 to play prank on Daan's door, followed by a grammar class, some last-minute essay writing and a meeting with my advisor.)
Last month when my mother came to visit, she brought me a pack of Sainsbury's arborio risotto rice from home. A couple of weeks ago I found a recipe on Times Online - pumpkin risotto with Gorgonzola.
Pumpkins are sometimes used in Japanese cuisine as well so I had no problem finding it. The Gorgonzola (and parmesan) however, required special grocery shopping. The average neighbourhood supermarket here doesn't offer any proper cheese. All the "cheese" there is in the dairy aisle is processed cheese slices. The cheese I bought from Carrefour (in Minoh) was not cheap either. Considering Gorgonzola plays a pretty major role in this dish I didn't hesitate in buying it; the parmesan, however, cost 400yen for about 60g. So I decided to use only 30g of the piece and replaced the other half with Kraft grated parmesan.
Photos (top to bottom): risotto in the making; heat turned off, cheese and butter stirred in; garnished with parsley.
I don't really know how good or bad my cooking skills actually are, but I swear I had died and gone to heaven when I took my first spoonful of this pumpkin risotto. The sweetness of the pumpkin and the distinct flavour of the blue cheese combined together was utter bliss :)
Now that I've been fed amidst this foodie euphoria, all that I can think of is a nice, long hot shower, and my bed. (I slept at 0500 this morning after a Christmas party and 6 hours of karaoke, then woke up at 1000 to play prank on Daan's door, followed by a grammar class, some last-minute essay writing and a meeting with my advisor.)
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Things to look forward to in the new decade
1. Barneys New York is opening its 4th store in Japan in Kobe! The Motomachi area is comparable to Tokyo's Ginza and Osaka's Shinsaibashi - full of designer labels and chic stores - and now Barneys will join the crowd.
2. H&M is to open their first store in outside Kanto - in Osaka's Shinsabashi. Woohoo! I can resume my pilgrimage to H&M :)
3. 2-day trip to Hiroshima (Atomic bomb site) and Miyajima (Itsukushima shrine) with Osaka University. Basically a repeat of the fantastic trip we had to Wakayama last month. 4,000yen for transport, accommodation, dinner and breakfast :D
4. Watching sumo tournament in Osaka for FREE! (It usually costs over 10,000yen a day) - thank you Monbukagakusho!
5. Sake distillery visit in January.
6. Spring break, Golden Week and the Summer holiday!
7. Returning to The University of Manchester Chorus
8. Cook and eat all day long when I move in with Afifah to the fancy kitchen of Victoria Hall on Higher Cambridge Street. Meryl Streep's Julie and Julia has been inspirational - I shall buy plenty of cookbooks and cook my way through final year.
9. Valentine's Day - not the day itself, I won't be surprised if I spend the day alone, again. I'm referring to the movie, starring a glittering cast that includes Julia Roberts, Anne Hathaway, Jamie Foxx, McDreamy and McSteamy.
10. The Royal Opera House, the West End, and concerts at The Bridgewater Hall.
11. Sam's possible relocation to Manchester. Don't know when or for how long though.
P.S. Things NOT to look forward to...
1. Dissertation
2. Graduate job hunting and/or postgraduate applications
2. H&M is to open their first store in outside Kanto - in Osaka's Shinsabashi. Woohoo! I can resume my pilgrimage to H&M :)
3. 2-day trip to Hiroshima (Atomic bomb site) and Miyajima (Itsukushima shrine) with Osaka University. Basically a repeat of the fantastic trip we had to Wakayama last month. 4,000yen for transport, accommodation, dinner and breakfast :D
4. Watching sumo tournament in Osaka for FREE! (It usually costs over 10,000yen a day) - thank you Monbukagakusho!
5. Sake distillery visit in January.
6. Spring break, Golden Week and the Summer holiday!
7. Returning to The University of Manchester Chorus
8. Cook and eat all day long when I move in with Afifah to the fancy kitchen of Victoria Hall on Higher Cambridge Street. Meryl Streep's Julie and Julia has been inspirational - I shall buy plenty of cookbooks and cook my way through final year.
9. Valentine's Day - not the day itself, I won't be surprised if I spend the day alone, again. I'm referring to the movie, starring a glittering cast that includes Julia Roberts, Anne Hathaway, Jamie Foxx, McDreamy and McSteamy.
10. The Royal Opera House, the West End, and concerts at The Bridgewater Hall.
11. Sam's possible relocation to Manchester. Don't know when or for how long though.
P.S. Things NOT to look forward to...
1. Dissertation
2. Graduate job hunting and/or postgraduate applications
Sunday, 13 December 2009


Thursday, 3 December 2009
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
I'm proud to announce that I'm now a pro member on Flickr!
A slideshow of my photos at http://www.flickr.com/photos/travellingcupcakes/show/
A slideshow of my photos at http://www.flickr.com/photos/travellingcupcakes/show/
Monday, 30 November 2009
November happenings (3) - Minji visits
I met Minji when she came to St. Helen's in Year 9, she was originally a boarder at Gwyer, then she left boarding and became a day girl, but she left Britain a year later. I hadn't seen her for a few years until she came to visit us at school when I was in Year 12. And then I saw her again when I travelled to South Korea on New Year's Eve (2008/09), and again in Hong Kong this summer.
She came to Japan a couple of months ago to attend a language school in Tokyo, and we decided to meet again - this time in Japan. She hadn't been to Kansai so she decided to come and visit me.
After the 2-day Wakayama trip, I (without knowing how) played an intensive 3-hour badminton session that same evening I got back from Wakayama (when I had enough of badminton, Tommy replied "it's about time"), and got up the next morning at 0530 to go to Osaka station to meet Minji, who travelled from Tokyo by the all-night highway bus. We spent the morning around Umeda, Shinsabashi and Namba, and had okonomiyaki for lunch at the very popular きじ restaurant in Umeda. We had planned to go to Minoh park that afternoon but we were so exhausted that we gave up that idea, and just chilled out in my room and cooked dinner together.

The next day we joined the little trip to Arashiyama (organised by Shinya and Tomoko) to see the momiji there. Adam, Jan, Felix, Ivan and Andrew also went, and I was glad to see that they liked Minji.

There were soooo many tourists in Arashiyama, which kinda ruined the beautiful autumn scenaries...we had a great time anyway, especially short boat cruise on the river :)

She came to Japan a couple of months ago to attend a language school in Tokyo, and we decided to meet again - this time in Japan. She hadn't been to Kansai so she decided to come and visit me.
After the 2-day Wakayama trip, I (without knowing how) played an intensive 3-hour badminton session that same evening I got back from Wakayama (when I had enough of badminton, Tommy replied "it's about time"), and got up the next morning at 0530 to go to Osaka station to meet Minji, who travelled from Tokyo by the all-night highway bus. We spent the morning around Umeda, Shinsabashi and Namba, and had okonomiyaki for lunch at the very popular きじ restaurant in Umeda. We had planned to go to Minoh park that afternoon but we were so exhausted that we gave up that idea, and just chilled out in my room and cooked dinner together.

The next day we joined the little trip to Arashiyama (organised by Shinya and Tomoko) to see the momiji there. Adam, Jan, Felix, Ivan and Andrew also went, and I was glad to see that they liked Minji.

There were soooo many tourists in Arashiyama, which kinda ruined the beautiful autumn scenaries...we had a great time anyway, especially short boat cruise on the river :)

November happenings (2) - 和歌山

One of the highlights of this month was the 2-day "study" trip to 白浜 (Shirahama) in 和歌山県 (Wakayama prefecture). The university organised and subsidised it so we only had to pay 4,000yen per person for the transportation, accommodation, dinner and breakfast. The trip wasn't compulsory but most people signed up for it so off we went in 3 coaches.
Coach journeys and school trips always lead to party bus scenarios, but that didn't happen this time. Maybe because we've grown up? or perhaps we were just saving the energy to party at night (and too tired to talk the next day)...

We went to visit a few museums which were (predictably) very uninteresting. 千畳敷(せんじょうじき)was pretty amazing though - it's a sea-side cliff looking out to the Pacific Ocean. It was quite windy when we got there but still we had a great time posing for photos.

We spent the night at 三楽荘 - a hotel with Japanese-style rooms and baths! Basically as soon as we got to our rooms, we changed into the yukata provided by the hotel and quickly went down to the bath, stripped and submerged ourselves into the huge bath. The men and women swap baths at 0130 in the middle of the night so we stayed up till then to try the other bath. The original women's bath (until 0130) was huge and had baths of different temperatures, whilst the men's was pretty unimpressive with just two baths (we were kinda disappointed). Anyway the rooms were very comfy. I shared a room with Naomi, Luciana and Larisa, and we were joined by Morgan 'cause there was some coupling (hence making out) on her futon... yes we slept on thick comfy futon. It was rather pleasing :) And oh I forgot to mention the wonderful dinner, we assembled in a huge room where there were tiny tables lined up, (almost) everyone was in their yukata and we sat down and had dinner served to the table. There was a great range of vegetables and sashimi, and we had unlimited supply of beer and karaoke! Some of us weren't embarrassed at all to the extent that the guys volunteered to go on stage first to sing Backstreet Boys!

P.S. Wakayama is famous for its ume-boshi (picked sour plum) and mikan (satsuma/mandarin), thus we ate a lot of those stuff.

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