Here's my schedule for August:
02 Exams and essay deadline
04 Presentation; my last day with Morgan :'(
05-13 九州
14 Daan's birthday; might go to Nara for the 燈花会
16 京都五山の送り火
19 彦根城
20 修了式
22 天橋立
24-25 犬山城、松本城
31 flying back home via Frankfurt
Things to do before leaving:
- pack (ugh this is not going to be fun)
- send parcels in the post
- cancel phone contract, PiTaPa card, bank account
- stock up on Japanese food? well at least the matcha powder so I can bake green tea cupcakes when I go home :)
- The Museum of Fine Arts Botson exhibition in Kyoto
- Impressionism and Modern Art exhibition in Osaka