Thursday, 26 August 2010

11 months

Next Tuesday morning I'll leave Japan, after spending some fabulous 11 months in this country. I'm not one of those enthusiasts who is madly in love with Japan. I definitely like this country, but what makes this past year so amazing isn't just the country itself. It's the people I've met, whether Japanese or not, who have made my year in Japan the best year of my life so far. And there are some breath-taking, stunning sceneries in Japan which has blown my mind away.

In the past eleven months, I...

...dressed up for Halloween for the first time in over 10 years
...met some incredibly gifted polyglots
...had my first hangover after 7 or 8 tequila shots
...kissed four girls in a row in one night (no tongue though - I'm not a lesbian!)
...kissed a gay man on the lips (also no tongue)
...learned to cook a few Japanese dishes
...passed Level 2 on the JLPT
...travelled to the following prefectures: 京都府、兵庫県、奈良県、和歌山県、三重県、滋賀県、愛知県、岡山県、広島県、岐阜県、新潟県、宮城県、栃木県、東京都、神奈川県、香川県、愛媛県、高知県、徳島県、沖縄県、山口県、福岡県、大分県、佐賀県、長崎県、熊本県、鹿児島県、長野県
...been to the 3 Kyoto festivals (時代祭、葵祭、祇園祭)
...been to the 日本三景(松島湾、厳島、天橋立)
...dug gravel and pushed a car
...learned to make green tea cupcakes and lavender cupcakes
...learned to say "eight" and "basically" with an Irish accent
...accumulated 9 different stores' point cards/membership cards
...learned to like karaoke and internet cafes
...made many mistakes in terms of handling relationships with people, and learned from the mistakes
...have come to wish I knew how to turn back time
...learned a lot from some very talented photographers
...learned to sleep without air-conditioning during summer
...sang レミオロメン's 「粉雪」over a thousand times, at karaoke, a cappella, with Daan's guitar accompaniment etc.
...entered into a relationship for the first time
...broke up with someone for the first time
...discovered my own flaws; learned about myself thousands of miles away from home
...met some of the most important people in my life

Without you, I don't know how I'll ever be the same person again. I don't know how I'm going to adjust to moving back to Manchester. There's probably going to be some sort of counter culture shock...I thought that going back to somewhere familiar might help, but it seems that Osaka is now the familiar place.

I love you. Everyone of you.

瞳を閉じれば あなたが
まぶたのうらに いることで

Even if I close my eyes, I can see you behind my eyelids...


Monday, 9 August 2010


After 阿蘇山 we drove to 由布院 (Yufuin) in 大分県. On the way to Yufuin, we stopped by a garden called 九重ラベンダー園 in the countryside of the 九重 (Kokonoe) area. The season for lavender is actually early~mid-July, but there was still some lavender at the garden, plus other beautiful flowers. It reminded me of my first visit in Japan, when we went to Hokkaido in July '03. Farm Tomita in Furano is famous for its lavender; we had to get up at 0600 to see the lavender before all the other tourists but at that time there were already dozens of photographers at the lavender farm. This time in Yufuin - there was no one else!

Yufuin itself is a small touristy town, like Takayama in Gifu, there isn't much in the town really, just some shops selling souvenirs and handicrafts. There was one shop, though, which caught my eye. It was a shop that sells only One Piece goods. The first thing/person that came into my mind was Andrew, 'cause he's a huge fan of the manga.

Around dinner time we drove past an italian restaurant and decided to check it out. The prices were not amazingly cheap, around 1200-1800yen for a pasta or pizza dish. It's worth every yen though. The restaurant was packed with people; the pizzas were baked in a stone oven. I ordered the classic margherita - tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and basil leaves - yum.

阿蘇山 (Mount Aso)

阿蘇山 (Mount Aso) is now officially my favourite place on the main Kyushu island (i.e. except for Okinawa and the outlying islands in Kagoshima prefecture).

For accommodation we stayed at ペンション サンディーベル (096-767-2008; 熊本県阿蘇郡長陽村河陽4635). It's a family-run accommodation. A little bit like a bed & breakfast, except that we get both dinner and breakfast. The room itself isn't that amazing, looks like a dorm room with 3 single beds, a TV and an en-suite bathroom.

The meals, though, were amazing. The house itself is European-style. It looks like it has just popped out of a Swiss postcard. I don't know who cooks the food, the owner (an おじさん in his 60s I guess) or the younger guy who gave us serrano ham... anyway the food is delicious and it was my first time in a very long time to have good authentic European food. I just didn't imagine it would be in the middle of the Japanese countryside near an active volcano.

Here's the dinner menu:

1. Hors d'oeuvre

2. Serrano ham with homemade freshly baked dark rye bread

3. Gazpacho

4. Warm salmon and potato pate with spinach

5. Roast duck breast

6. Vanilla mousse

We were also offered a pizza at around 2200, as a late night snack...we were so full from the dinner already so we could only eat half the pizza.

The next morning breakfast was just as pleasing - a huge chunk of bacon and tortilla espanola (Spanish omelette), served with green salad and freshly baked bread.

Oh yes about Mount Aso - I totally forgot to write about the volcano having been too absorbed in the deliciousness of the food - it's an active volcano, but we could still drive right up to the crater. I wanted to look pretty so I wore my dress - it was a huge mistake 'cause it was damn windy up at the top of the volcano! Luckily there was no flashing or anything immodest.

We also saw the views of Kumamoto prefecture from 草千里ヶ浜 and 大観峰 -

Saturday, 7 August 2010


I'm currently at a family-run B&B-esque (ペンション - "pension" in Japanese - no idea why though) accommodation at Aso-san (阿蘇山), an active volcano in Kumamoto prefecture.

I haven't had internet access so far, until now, but this crappy internet in the middle of nowhere is not free, except for Google-owned websites (e.g. Gmail, Blogger...). Odd.

This is what I've done so far in Kyushu -

04/08 Met up with my Mum in Fukuoka; had a late dinner at a 屋台

05/08 Went to 有田 ('cause my Mum wanted to see the
apparently famous pottery);
佐世保, where we took pictures of 九十九島 (where they shot the opening scene of The Last Samurai); lunch (soba and udon)

長崎 - the Confucius temple,
Peace Memorial Park (where things have been set up in preparation for the 65th anniversary of the 2nd atomic bomb attack on 9th August, 1945), 眼鏡橋, 大浦天主堂 (the oldest Gothic cathedral in Japan, built in 1864), the former Nagasaki branch of HSBC; sushi for dinner

06/08 長崎原爆資料館 (Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum);
drove to 島原 to catch the ferry to 熊本
delicious 豚骨ラーメン for lunch
and now we're at 阿蘇山

Tomorrow we're going to drive around the volcano before heading to the hot springs of 由布院.

The weather has been superb, just like the past few weeks in Osaka, but it's been very very hot. I manage to get a little bit tanned, which is nice 'cause I know once I get back to Britain it'll be rain rain rain all day long...

As much fun as I'm having with my Mum in Kyushu - I've started to miss people in Handai already!

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Baking frenzy

Today is my first day of summer holiday. Well I guess it hasn't officially started yet 'cause we still have the final presentation tomorrow afternoon. After that I'll be off to Kyushu for 9 days!

Anyway today I'm supposed to prepare for tomorrow's presentation, but since it's going to be boring as hell no matter how much or little work I put in it, I decided to spend the afternoon baking.

I made 10 matcha (green tea) cupcakes, 12 lavender cupcakes (both from The Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook), and 26 chocolate chip cookies (Martha Stewart's recipe).

Sunday, 1 August 2010


As much pain as I'm in right now, writing this literary criticism on 「蜜柑」, a short story by 芥川龍之介 (Ryunosuke Akutagawa), I don't really want this weekend to end.

It's not because tomorrow is Monday and we have classes - it's because tomorrow is the last day of classes. Tuesday I have the day off to prepare for Wednesday's presentation. And that's it - the end of my studies at Osaka University.

Yes it'll be nice not to have to stress about exams and essays etc., but I'm not looking forward to saying goodbyes to the people I love.

瞳を閉じれば あなたが
まぶたのうらに いることで
あなたにとって私も そうでありたい